The concept of spiritual warfare is a topic frequently discussed in Catholic theology and teachings, highlighting the ongoing struggle between good and evil and the spiritual forces at play in the world. Young adults, like all Catholics, may encounter spiritual warfare in various forms. Here are some common obstacles they may confront:

1. Temptations: Young adults may face temptations that challenge their Catholic beliefs, such as engaging in premarital sex, substance abuse, or dishonesty. These temptations can be viewed as spiritual attacks, as the devil attempts to divert them from God's path.

2. Doubt and skepticism: Many young adults experience a period of questioning their faith and may grapple with doubts regarding the existence of God or the truth of Catholic teachings. These doubts can be seen as spiritual battles, as the devil endeavors to sow seeds of disbelief and lead them astray from the Church.

3. Peer pressure: Young adults often encounter pressure from their peers to conform to societal norms that contradict Catholic teachings. This pressure may involve engaging in immoral behavior, rejecting religious practices, or adopting secular ideologies. Resisting this pressure becomes a spiritual battle as they strive to remain faithful to their beliefs.

4. Spiritual dryness: Some young adults may go through phases of spiritual dryness, feeling distant from God and struggling to find meaning or purpose in their faith. This can be a challenging time, as they may feel spiritually attacked and need to actively seek spiritual nourishment and renewal.

5. Attacks on the Church: Young adults may also face attacks on the Catholic Church and its teachings from secular society or other religious groups. These attacks can range from intellectual challenges to outright hostility. Young adults may need to defend their faith and engage in spiritual warfare by actively learning about and defending Catholic teachings.

In confronting these challenges, young adults can rely on the spiritual tools provided by the Catholic Church, such as prayer, sacraments, Scripture, and the intercession of saints. They can also seek guidance and support from trusted spiritual mentors, such as priests, religious individuals, or experienced Catholics. Ultimately, the goal is to remain steadfast in faith and grow closer to God, even amidst the battles of the spiritual realm.