
St. Raphael the Archangel holds a significant place in Catholic tradition and is revered as a powerful intercessor and healer. His story, as depicted in the Book of Tobit in the Catholic Bible, showcases his divine intervention and guidance. This essay aims to explore the story of St. Raphael the Archangel, highlighting his role as a protector and guide in the Catholic faith.


St. Raphael the Archangel is a prominent figure in Catholicism, known for his role as a healer and intercessor. The story of St. Raphael, as depicted in the Book of Tobit, showcases his divine intervention and guidance. Through his interactions with Tobit and his family, St. Raphael demonstrates his ability to heal, protect, and guide those in need. This essay will delve into the story of St. Raphael, examining his actions and their significance in the Catholic faith.

Arguments with Examples:

1. Healing and Protection:

In the Book of Tobit, St. Raphael is sent by God to heal Tobit's blindness and deliver Sarah from a demon that had plagued her. St. Raphael guides Tobit's son, Tobias, on a journey to retrieve a sum of money and find a suitable wife. During their journey, St. Raphael reveals his true identity and instructs Tobias on how to use a fish's gall to heal Tobit's blindness. Through his healing powers, St. Raphael demonstrates his ability to bring physical and spiritual healing to those in need.

2. Divine Guidance:

Throughout the story, St. Raphael acts as a guide and protector for Tobias. He advises Tobias on how to approach his future wife, Sarah, and helps him overcome various obstacles along the way. St. Raphael's guidance ensures that Tobias remains faithful to God's commandments and leads a righteous life. His presence and assistance highlight the importance of seeking divine guidance in one's journey through life.

3. Intercessor and Messenger:

St. Raphael's role as an intercessor is evident in his prayers for Tobit and Sarah. He presents their petitions before God, asking for His mercy and intervention. St. Raphael's prayers are answered, and both Tobit and Sarah are granted healing and deliverance. His role as a messenger is also significant, as he delivers God's messages and blessings to Tobit and his family. St. Raphael's intercessory and messenger roles emphasize the power of prayer and the importance of seeking divine assistance.


The story of St. Raphael the Archangel in the Catholic tradition showcases his role as a powerful intercessor, healer, and guide. Through his interactions with Tobit and his family, St. Raphael demonstrates his ability to bring healing, protection, and divine guidance to those in need. His presence in the Book of Tobit serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking divine assistance and trusting in God's providence. St. Raphael's story continues to inspire and strengthen the faith of Catholics worldwide, reminding them of the power of prayer and the presence of heavenly intercessors in their lives.