The story of St. Maria Goretti is a powerful and inspiring tale of forgiveness, purity, and martyrdom. Maria Goretti was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy, to a poor farming family. She was the third of six children and grew up in a devoutly Catholic household.

At the age of nine, Maria's father died, leaving her mother, Assunta, to raise the children on her own. Despite their poverty, the Goretti family was known for their strong faith and love for God. Maria was a pious and obedient child, always eager to help her mother and siblings.

In 1902, the Goretti family moved to a small village called Le Ferriere, where they lived in a shared house with another family. It was there that Maria's life would take a tragic turn. The neighboring family had a son named Alessandro Serenelli, who was 20 years old at the time.

On July 5, 1902, while Maria was sewing in the house, Alessandro approached her and made inappropriate advances. Maria resisted and refused to give in to his demands, declaring that it was a sin against God. Enraged by her rejection, Alessandro stabbed Maria multiple times with a knife.

Maria was rushed to the hospital, but her injuries were too severe, and she died the next day, July 6, 1902. Before her death, Maria forgave Alessandro and expressed her desire for him to be in heaven with her.

Alessandro was arrested and sentenced to 30 years in prison for his crime. During his imprisonment, he experienced a profound conversion after a vision of Maria forgiving him. He repented for his actions and sought forgiveness from Maria's mother, Assunta, who forgave him wholeheartedly.

After serving 27 years in prison, Alessandro was released and lived the rest of his life as a lay brother in a Capuchin monastery. He attended Maria's beatification in 1947 and her canonization in 1950, becoming the first person to attend the canonization of his victim.

St. Maria Goretti is known as the patron saint of purity, youth, and forgiveness. Her story has touched the hearts of millions around the world, inspiring them to live a life of virtue and forgiveness. Her example reminds us of the power of forgiveness and the importance of standing up for our faith, even in the face of great adversity.